In California, Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed an executive order that will ban the sale of fossil fueled cars and make zero-emission vehicles a priority by 2035. This ban will set new regulations by compelling drivers to purchase only electric cars and will create a new economy with more of a focus on renewable energy. Governor Newsom is aware of the effects carbon emissions have on climate change and pledges to generate a safe environment for all Californians. Currently, “the transportation sector is responsible for more than half of all of California's carbon pollution, 80 percent of smog-forming pollution and 95 percent of toxic diesel emissions - all while communities in the Los Angeles Basin and Central Valley see some of the dirtiest and most toxic air in the country.” (Source)
Therefore, the use of electric cars as opposed to gasoline fueled vehicles will offset the amount of carbon emissions in California's atmosphere.
This new regulation will not affect owners of current fossil fueled cars but it is evident that the industry is beginning to shift to produce zero emission vehicles even without the executive order. “Audi, Honda and Tesla could be seen behind the podium in addition to Ford,” which are just some companies who are making affordable electric cars for consumers. (Source)
Those who purchase electric cars can even receive a federal electric vehicle tax credit depending on how much is spent. Tax credits aside, consumers can acknowledge that purchasing an electric car will have long term benefits for the environment. However, the only way for purchasers of electric vehicles to be truly sustainable is if they receive their energy from renewable sources. Today electricity, “in large part, is still produced from fossil fuels.” (Source)
With electric cars on the rise, renewable energy will be more prominent, shifting the economy to sustainable jobs. Currently there are more jobs in solar than in the coal industry. Solar jobs create “stable and high-wage employment for blue-collar workers in some of the countries most fossil fuel-heavy states.” (Source)
A Forbes article explains that “building new renewable energy is cheaper than running existing coal plants and prices get cheaper every year. By 2025, almost every existing coal plant in the United States will cost more to operate than building replacement wind and solar within 35 miles of each plant.” (Source)
In other words, many states are implementing clean energy goals because the pressure for workers to build renewable energy sources including wind and solar is tremendous. Additionally, states will save money switching to renewable energy rather than relying on fossil fuels and coal power plants.
Following in California's footsteps, “the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection said the state will need to phase out the internal-combustion engine by 2035 to meet its climate goals.” (Source)
This forward thinking can be seen on state levels around the United States whether it be electric vehicles or renewable energy, more consumers and corporations are willing to change their routines in order to make a more habitable environment for all.