Sullivan Solar Power was founded in 2004 by Daniel Sullivan. The company was run by Sullivan through 2019. During this time Sullivan Solar Power was consistently ranked one of the top solar companies in the State of California. The company's client list was and remains an invariable “who's who” list of Southern California. During this time Sullivan sponsored legislation and efforts that protected the short and long term interests of the solar industry and solar customers. As of the close of 2019, Sullivan had completed over $750MM in solar contracts including some of the most high profile projects in the region. The total number of people the company employed and trained during Sullivan's tenure exceeded 1000. The company consistently supported charitable organizations and nonprofits with the goal of continuing to improve the communities the company served. All bills were paid. All customers were happy.
Due to suffering significant personal losses in 2020, Sullivan stepped back from the company. Upon return in late 2021, Sullivan found the company in disarray. The reports in the media surrounding Sullivan should be balanced against what Sullivan had accomplished prior to 2021 to get some perspective.
Sullivan will be working to ensure all Sullivan customers have support moving forward, should they seek it. Over time, Sullivan will also be addressing any issues faced by those people of good will who were adversely impacted.
Nothing on this page should be construed to mean that Sullivan Solar Power is in operation or actively contracting.