On Thursday, September 26th Sullivan Solar Power hosted the very first Solana Beach Power and Pints event at Culture Brewing Co in conjunction with Climate Action Campaign. Climate Justice Advocate Matthew Vasilakis and NABCEP Certified Project Developer Neil Gerber led a Q&A panel discussion on solar and storage paired with Community Choice Energy (CCE) to reveal how they work together to benefit our planet and our communities. Since SDG&E is finally being forced out of its long-held energy monopoly, people have questions about how this new kid on the block will work with solar energy.
Why should I switch to the CCE option? Is solar still beneficial with this new energy provider? SDG&E offers clean power options too, so what's the difference?
The short answer is this, CCE will always be the cleaner, greener and cheaper choice for solar and non-solar customers. Solar customers can enjoy a higher payback price for excess energy produced, while non-solar customers can look forward to a 2% savings compared to SDG&E's rates. While these savings are apparent, they're not hugely significant. But who doesn't want an extra $20 in their pocket every month? The greater benefit comes from the nature of the organization. CCE programs will take the profits from this energy production and inject it right back into the community, rather than fattening investors and CEO's pockets.
Each community will be able to strategize and customize programs to tackle the unique problems they face. For example, areas in need could offer heavily discounted rates while more affluent areas could offer rebates on electric car chargers or similar incentives. Instead of prioritizing profits over clean renewable energy, CCE will work with residential solar customers and not against them. Overall these programs will bring local control to our energy sources, something we've never been allowed with the traditional energy monopoly. This way local communities can rejoice and reap the benefits.