Net Energy Metering (NEM) has been a standard in California since 1995. NEM allows solar owners to earn credit for energy sent to the grid during the day. This energy credit can then be used to offset the energy consumers draw from the grid when their solar isn’t producing. At the moment, the Net Energy Metering program is up for review and the changes could drastically affect solar projects throughout California.
NEM 3.0, is currently being considered by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), with contributions from utility companies, the solar industry, and utility ratepayer advocates. This successor program, NEM 3.0, and the CPUC’s decisions could result in ramifications for solar industries, or individuals who want to install solar on their homes.
Net Energy Metering changes have their downfalls, but it is important to note that battery storage technology is available to help consumers use the energy their solar has produced. Battery storage benefits utility ratepayers by taking away the worry of getting power from investor owned companies such as SDG&E (San Diego Gas and Electric), or SCE (Southern California Edison).
If you are a part of the solar industry, looking to get solar installed, or a supporter of renewable energy please sign the petition provided below to stop investor owned utility companies from profiting off of the expenses of solar. The petition to save California solar will be available to sign until April 30th, 2021.