Sullivan Solar Power is no longer actively contracting for new work until further notice. Any existing Sullivan Solar Power clients needing assistance can use the form submission page to contact the company.
Chula Vista Commercial Solar
Chula Vista has long been committed to reducing its carbon footprint while reducing operating expenses to benefit the broader community. Solar power is able to do both, so in 2013, the City of Chula Vista hired Sullivan Solar Power to design, build and install solar panel systems on three of city facilities.
Through a competitive bidding process, Sullivan offered the best value proposal for solar installations at Loma Verde Community Center, City Hall and the Public Works yard. Ballasted racking systems were employed for roof mounted solar arrays and carports were utilized in parking lots to provide the city solar power solutions that were customized to each site.
Chula Vista has more than 1,000 kilowatts deployed on city facilities. The city utilized financing and the savings generated by the solar power systems are greater than the city's debt obligation. Sullivan Solar Power has guaranteed the system performance and maintains an ongoing operations and maintenance agreement with the city.