Sullivan Solar Power is no longer actively contracting for new work until further notice. Any existing Sullivan Solar Power clients needing assistance can use the form submission page to contact the company.
Valley Center Solar Power: Fishman Residence
The Fishman familyľis now saving significantly each month on utility bills, while helping to curb environmental pollution. Their broad low-lying rooftop is an ideal setup to go solar. This Valley Center solar power installation has the capacity to generate over 8,400 watts of power from a 40 solar panel array mounted to the roof. Whether you are looking to reduce or completely eliminate your monthly electricity costs, Sullivan Solar Power has a solution for you!
On average, each year a solar energy system this size will:
Generate 12,600 to 16,800 kilowatt hours of clean renewable solar power.
Avoid the creation of 20,832 pounds of harmful carbon dioxide released into our air.
Provide the system owner with $3,696 in Solar Power Savings.