Sullivan Solar Power is no longer actively contracting for new work until further notice. Any existing Sullivan Solar Power clients needing assistance can use the form submission page to contact the company.
San Diego Solar Power: Puckett Residence
Mr. Puckett is an example of how we should think about energy. By no means were his electric bills a financial burden. Mr. Puckett went solar simply to insure he had no hand in the advancement of global warming. An avid solar proponent, it was a pleasure to help him declare energy independence. Mr. Puckett went on to purchase a hybrid car and assisted Sullivan Solar Power in sales for a few months so that others would realize the benefits of solar power first hand.
On average, each year a solar energy system this size will:
Generate 3,300 to 4,400 kilowatt hours of clean renewable solar power.
Avoid the creation of 5,456 pounds of harmful carbon dioxide released into our air.
Provide the system owner with $968 in Solar Power Savings.