Frequently Asked Questions
What is this rate change notification for?
SDG&E recently sent emails and mailed letters to 148,000 randomly-selected residential and commercial, solar and non-solar customers. SDG&E informed these ratepayers that they will be moving to a new time-of-use (TOU) rate on March 10, 2018, if they "do nothing." This is a pilot program.
What if I haven’t received a letter from SDG&E?
If you haven’t received a letter or any digital communication from SDG&E about a change in your rate structure, no action is required in regard to this pilot program.
If I’ve receive a notification from SDG&E when will the switch happen if I don’t opt out?
March 10, 2018.
How do I know whether to move to TOU of to stay on my existing rate structure?
SDG&E states that their new default time-of-use rates "reward you for shifting your energy use to lower cost times." While that's true, their new rates may be less attractive for those with solar power, so we are alerting Sullivan Solar Power customers about this via email and mail so clients know their options.
You have the option stay on your current billing structure, which is presumably how your solar power system was designed and will likely provide a much more consistent annual bill.
If you look below, you can see one client, who is currently paying $190 per year on electricity, would pay $541 on their default time-of-use plan, or can chose a different plan and pay $468 per year. Or, they can opt out of this pilot program and continue paying $190 per year.
The impact will vary by ratepayer, depending on consumption and production patterns.
How do I ensure I stay on my existing rate structure?
You MUST contact SDG&E and request to stay on your existing rate structure prior to March 10 to avoid being put into this pilot program. Although you can contact SDG&E by 1-800-411-SDGE (7343) we recommend you have written documentation of this request. A simple way to document this request is to make the request through their chat feature on their website:
Once you have completed the chat conversation requesting to stay on your existing rate structure follow the two steps below.
Step 1:
Step 2: