Sullivan Solar Power is no longer actively contracting for new work until further notice. Any existing Sullivan Solar Power clients needing assistance can use the form submission page to contact the company.
Encinitas Union School District
Sullivan Solar Power went back to school in 2016 when our company was chosen to install solar energy systems for six of the nine campuses in the Encinitas Union School District. School district officials selected our experienced solar power installation crews to design and build solar power systems at Park Dale Lane, El Camino Creek, Capri, Ocean Knoll, La Costa Heights and Flora Vista elementary schools.
The estimated 25-year savings from the combined 1.7 megawatts of solar energy generated by the project is more than $21 million, officials said.
Encinitas public schools have a long history of being leaders on environmental and health causes, including yoga classes for all students and a district farm where lettuce and other vegetables for school lunches are grown and students go on field trips to see where food comes from.