Sullivan Solar Power is no longer actively contracting for new work until further notice. Any existing Sullivan Solar Power clients needing assistance can use the form submission page to contact the company.
UCSD Trade St
This is one of five sites installed by Sullivan Solar Power for the UCSD, Campus Clean Renewable Energy Project. UCSD directed Sullivan to utilize a ballasted racking system to minimize roof penetrations so Sunlink racking was used resulting in no penetrations whatsoever. In addition, Sullivan had to completely reconfigure the electrical switchgear to accommodate the solar power system's output. Comprised of (1,218) Sharp solar modules, which were manufactured in the United States, this system is expected to produce 441,491 kWhrs per year.
On average, each year a solar energy system this size will:
Generate 349,298 to 465,730 kilowatt hours of clean renewable solar power.
Avoid the creation of 577,505 pounds of harmful carbon dioxide released into our air.
Provide the system owner with $102,461 in Solar Power Savings.